Month: September 2008

  • Fabricating Disaster to gain Profit.

    I saw this interview of McCain by Meredith Viera on NBC the other day and was a little upset by the facts presented. Why are a handful of people getting wealthy while a couple of million are laid off. There should be a law making CEOs liable for their misjudgment. When leaders make mistakes they […]

  • Croquet is the future world wide web?

    Is the future of web browsing as simple or complex as enabling user generated content to a concept similar to second life? (video below) Croquet is an attempt at the concept of a 3D web browsing experience. It is creating a “metaverse” that is open source and free to join and contribute. This a video […]

  • Elections 2008, a look into some states.

    wikipedia picture By looking into the past elections, I am predicting that the following States will vote in favor of the following parties. Dem. 10 Maryland Dem. 3 Vermont Rep. 3 Alaska Dem. 5 West Virginia (swing) Rep. 34 Texas (republican vote has declined over the past 2 elections, will be interesting to see what […]

  • Inner tubes in bike tires.

    On a Wednesday morning, while checking the tire pressure on my bike. There was a very unsettling sound or deflation. It turns out that the area around the valve of the inner tube in the wheel had ripped. I was told by a couple of bike gurus and a bike sales man that you should […]

  • More Music

    Mouse on Mars is a band that has interesting electronic music but is lacking in the performance sector. Their youtube video needs a little more action. Its a personal opinion but the video should be as active as the music. There needs to be more motion by the camera, maybe some unique camera angles. When […]

  • Music

    What is it about music that influences our behavior? When we go to a Bar, there is always lively music that for the most part, takes our mind off from our own life. When you go to Night clubs, you will always hear music with faster beats that encourage people to dance and is definitely […]

  • The real cost of Kati Roll, Horror story.

    Picture above by “rversde23” taken in 2006, when Kati Roll was probably still a decent place. On Sunday September 7, 2008 at around 8:30pm after a hard day of homework at NYU, a classmate and I decided to get some food! We walked down MacDougal St. in NYC looking for something Yummy that had a […]

  • NYU's ITP Ceiling Collapses.

    So there I was hanging out at ITP getting ready to eat my salad Lunch. Elizabeth who is a first year at ITP was having trouble logging into the wireless network, so I went over to help her out. As we where debugging the wireless issue, unexpectedly out of nowhere, the ceiling collapsed. At first […]

  • Cats and Cowgirls

    This is my type of woman! Do you know anyone that would rescue over one hundred cats from the freezing cold weather, give them a home and feed them? Meet such a lady and someone’s interpretation of what is happening in this little apartment in Russia. If this was not enough action for you. Maybe […]