We are making good progress in the Pianocktail. There are 2 more weeks left in the semester and about a…
These are some of the tweens and actions that I am playing around with. Hopefully soon I will be able…
I made this Silly Smiley face using Google Map API: Surprisingly, Google made it really easy for people to use…
The dawn of do it your self live streaming is upon us. Although it may be video feeds of cute…
This interview with Sarah Palin makes me feel like a hypocrite. At first I was really disgusted by Palin talking…
How do a bunch of people write a text document at the same time? There is a web site that…
This impostor New York Times paper is definitely fake, but if you look at the date closely you will see…
The WAMI Dome got some exposure at the Electronic Social Club’s Annual Exhibit at Hunter College. Everyone really enjoyed to…