For my third project I decided to make an oil painting. I had to dust off my pallet and set up my work space to accommodate for this. This is what my pallet looked like:
like any other time I have made a painting, Bunny (the cat) was very attentive and stood by in case I needed to consult him with important aesthetic decisions.
Normally I don’t sketch out what I have in mind for a painting. It seems that recently I have been sketching more often since I have no time to paint. This is a sketch of what I decided I was going to paint, I call this painting “The Sleeping Angel”
I decided to set up a live stream of me painting on that way people could see me painting. Midway trough the painting I decided to pop open a bottle of wine for inspiration and set up some light since it was beginning to get dark.
This is the almost finished product. I may do a couple of color touch ups in a week or so when the paint starts drying.