Building a Social Network

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Ever since Nathan and I decided to start building our own social networking web site Badger, we have discovered a lot of interesting things about people.
One thing that is very obvious but not so clear at first, is the naming of features on the site. For example; if you are going to have a friending feature, then call it “Friends” and not some other random thing like your gang or your troop etc. People get irritated at random naming conventions. Here is a video to illustrate this phenomenon:

Also when working with the language to describe the product, do not use big words at least keep them to the absolute minimum or you will loose most of your audience. Big words are public enemy #1. Anything that makes people use extra brain power is a no-no. This is a very good example of an instructional video that uses words that only the person talking and the engineer viewing will somewhat understand. The rest of us just watch the whole thing unfold like a train wreck: