I bought two bike locks a couple of months back to protect my bike from evil thieves. One was a Kryptonite bike lock and the other was a no name lock. A week ago I tried opening the lock with the key and it would not open. After a few days of trying and trying, I gave up and decided to find a way to cut the cable; which I thought would be a hard task. I borrowed some bolt cutters from school in hopes it would do the trick. To my surprise, cutting the cable was like biting through a twizzler. And from that moment on I trusted cable chains no more.
“The non-Kryptonite locks cracked in seconds, but all methods failed on the New York Lock, even the monstrous bolt cutter, which ended up useless with large dents in its jaws.”
-kryptonite web site
I got a second cable for my bike but this time with out a lock since I use the Kryptonite lock with the cable as well as the Kryptonite chain. The cable I know is useless against thieves who really want to cut it. that’s why I only use the cable to secure my helmet and bike seat. Two things a bike thieve may not be worth the trouble of taking out his bolt cutters. But who knows, maybe my next post will be of my missing bike seat and helmet.