America is a nation that needs to adjust itself to the flux of time. This was the main idea of the constitution, a system of government that adjusts to the progression of society. It is very very hard to change the constitution (which is a good thing) but it is not impossible. Our founding fathers knew that systems of government that do not allow for change, eventually perish because times change and people change. Understanding and embracing change is the key to progress.
I heard both presidential candidates speak. My conclusion is that Barack Obama represents everything that makes America the greatest nation on earth. He is the result of the melting pot in the same way that cream rises to the top.
Barack is the type of person that will do what is better for everyone in our nation and not just the republic. He understands that America is not just one race, one culture, one intellect or one point of view. He sees that we will prosper by collaboration and not by division. His opponent on the other hand is, as Obama has stated before, more of the same.
Obama will trigger major progress in the states by investing in areas that have been overlooked in the past. Our government needs someone like Obama to bring back the energy and charisma that are catalysts for achievement. America needs to re-enforce its diminishing status as center of the world. I doubt that McCain will take steps to strengthen America’s position. As a Nation made up of people from every corner of the earth, we should have a government that reflects that fact. Obama will change America’s popularity and influence, the same way he changed his own popularity in the primaries and the general election; by listening to the people.
Knowing your people before making a decision is key to good decision making. Finding a middle ground that benefits both sides will be key to prevent individual nations from making policies that only benefit themselves. In our current era, all the countries in the world are economically tied and we depend on everyone to maintain the lifestyle that we desire. Since we depend on everyone, we should be on good terms with everyone. This is why foreign policy is vital.
Obama’s knowledge on how the modern world works, including the new frontier of the digital era, will be key in having the upper hand when it comes time to making new foreign policy to put America on top again. We don’t need any more wars to spread democracy. It is proven that we can co-inhabit this earth with communist nations and dictatorships. This is why we do so much business with China. It would be ideal for democracy to be the only political system but that will never be the case. What we need is someone who can collaborate with these nations and pressure them to make changes in their systems to improve things people care about, such as human rights, environmental policy and health policy.
This is why Obama is the person we should choose as a president.